Sunday, July 7, 2013

The last few months have had many challenging and character building experiences find us. Jobs have come and gone as the search for place in life continues. Constant lessens in communication and learning to function as one have been a big thing for us. But the biggest mile stone that has happened in the last few weeks has been our two year anniversary! We weren't able to go out and do anything awesome to celebrate it...we didn't even manage to get each other gifts (at least not yet...). But we did spend the day revisiting that day two years ago and all of the hopes and plans that surrounded that day. We also looked at how drastically different our life is today in comparison to what we anticipated two years ago. Still lots of hopes and plans...but hopes and plans in a different direction then they were two years ago. Definitely not what we had in mind. But that's ok...We like adventure :)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Finding a new church has been a God thing. He has used/is using the weekly sermons to hit on some major issues in my life. Issues I either didn’t know I had or didn’t want to face. We have been to four services.
The first service was based on the premises that we are champions. That we are not losers and God did not put us here to “fail”. This was a really big deal after spending weeks being told that our lives are screwed and we’ll be in poverty the rest of our lives.
The second sermon was about how stuff happens in our life that gets between us and God. And what some of those things are. The thing that hit home for me was being angry at God for stuff that has happened. For having plans all worked out and God saying “nope, not my plan…let’s go this opposite direction.” The end of that sermon had me sobbing. I thought I was dealing with the changes from the last summer pretty well. Until he said something about being angry at God for plans not going the way I planned them. It hit me when he said that, that I have been angry. The anger hasn’t really been directed at any one person...but maybe it has been at God. There’s this anger about having a life in the military planned out, with a steady/reliable income, military family, opportunity to travel the world, not requiring me to work to make ends meet. And to have all of that stripped away much sooner than we ever expected. To suddenly be living with in-laws, me having to get a job, not having our own home, being forced to listen to how we screwed up on a regular basis, and being constantly reminded that we have nothing. Yeah, not the highlight of my year. And I honestly thought I was doing pretty well with it all. I’ve learned in the last couple of months that I’m not doing as well as I’d hoped.
After those Sundays we start a new sermons series on gratefulness. Using the parable of the 10 lepers and teaching how we want to be, “The One” who came back to thank Jesus for healing him. I didn’t think much about this sermon until something clicked. I have been fighting to be grateful for what we have the last few months.
The fourth Sunday was a continuation of “The One” series. This one was focused on how we need to be more excited about what God gives us then was the world gives us. The point that hit home for me of course was that we need to thank God for everything all the time and be grateful for all. This was after a hard week for me in that area. I got my hair cut by a new person who sucked. I knew mid haircut when she was screwing it up that it was wrong…and all I could think about what the awesome lady I had found in Colorado before was moved. We got to go a get-to-gather with our Young Married Sunday School class. And we had a great time. But I had a hard time because I kept thinking “I miss our Nav group”. No one will ever compare to the group of amazing people we met in the navigator group in Colorado. We fit in perfectly and I remember walking into the room the first time we met our Nav group and feeling completely comfortable, and being loved by them for who we were.
So to go to church Sunday and hear a sermon talking about how we need to thank God for everything even if we don’t feel grateful, hit home pretty hard for me. I have not been doing a good job of being grateful for what we have. Even though I am very grateful to be out of the military life and the miserable experience we had with it. I am very sad to have had to leave our friends and independent life behind. And what I am being taught right now is that I need to move forward. That life is over and we have a new life that needs my full and undivided attention. And this right now is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, especially when much of the new life sucks.

OMG!! Today was the end of the Grateful Sermon series. I am completely speechless at how God can speak so incredibly directly to you, especially through church. Last night we ended our night with a fight. About stuff I was/wasn’t doing, but mainly about some feelings he had been having about stuff that has happened in the past and how those feelings affect our future. The next day we were late to church (as usual) but we ended up in the next to front row. The sermon could not have been more point on about what we had argued over the night before. At one point the pastor was “yelling” at the congregation and I swear on my life that it was God yelling at us to get His point across. I think the thing that hit home the most for us was that “thanksgiving to God produces Peace” and that “we have been called to warrior living”, or rather “called to live as warriors”. And THEN we walk into Sunday school and the topic of the lesson is Overcoming Fear and Anxiety, which went perfectly with what the sermon had hit on. The biggest take-away from the Sunday school lesson was that “you need to get rid of anger and be grateful for what happened to you”. Now they were talking more about abuse situations and what-not. BUT after the summer we’ve had I can tell you that there has been some pent up anger, for both of us. I’ve been dealing with anger the last few weeks…and I discovered that he’s been dealing with pent up emotions/anger the last few months.
After today’s church there were several things that were made very clear to us that we need to change. And in our near future we will be dealing with some life changes. It was an awesome thing for both of us to come away with a very clear understanding of some things that need to change, and to feel peace about those things. Our lessons are FAR from being learned but I feel very confident that we are on the right path and that God is directing us. And he is using our time at this church as a great instrument.

Summary of five weeks of sermons:

1.       Not losers, not here to fail
2.       Being angry at God separates us from God
3.       Thanking God draws us nearer to God
4.       Thank God because he commands us to and we need to.
5.       Thank God in advance for his victories because we know he is going to do something great.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Welcome to our new blog!! My first blog was named "Life With My Airman" (which can be found at . And it was an extremely appropriate name for that time in our life. It was the journey of our first year of marriage. And it was the period of our lives where Peter was in the United States Air Force and we lived in Colorado. That part of our life ended sooner then we expected and we moved back to Texas. Here in Texas we are currently living with his parents as we job search. He is looking for an electrician job and looking into electrical schools. I am searching for a job in relation to the county court, local law office, or some type of admin job.
So I decided that it was a time for a blog update. And the most appropriate was a reference to how NOT boring our life is on a regular basis. We may have some slow times, but just when we start to get bored something pops up to make life not boring. This new blog is about our NOT boring adventures. So stay tuned to the upcoming posts. Because the last few months have been anything BUT boring!!